 Wan sir had been my math and M2 tutor since S5 and he helped me to build confidence and competence in the subject. Wan sir always emphasises on understanding instead of memorising standard procedures or long unnecessary formulas to solve math problems. On top of that, though lessons are conducted in small classes, Wan sir will always pay attention to each student’s individual weaknesses. This mode of learning is different from other mainstream tutorial schools. Tutorial lessons here are not simply understanding concepts and drilling past paper. Wan sir will prepare different questions for each one of us to suit our individualised needs. To do well in public exams, it is very crucial to finish the questions in a fast and accurate manner. Wan sir taught me useful exam skills from his past 5** public exam experience. I would definitely recommend Wan sir to any of you who want to excel in maths!
Pinky Shek
DSE Math Core, M2
MATH stands for “Mental Abuse To Human” to a lot of students. However, it is not the case for Wan sir’s students. I was once very frustrated as well, but not anymore. Unlike other tutors, not only does Wan sir approach mathematical problems in a systematic and effective way, but he also explains the thinking process and deduction behind, which makes math questions no longer as difficult as they used to be. With the help from Wan sir, I was able to tackle DSE past papers and school exam papers with ease, helping me pursue my dream. Under Wan sir’s teaching, mathematics is no longer mental abuse, but a fun and entertaining subject, because when you know the way, math is just a game.
Ian Chiu
DSE Math Core, M1
DBS, Actuarial Science (HKU)
 Mr. Terry Wan is one of the most inspirational teachers I've ever had. His systematic approach to questions and incredibly effective exam techniques prepared me throughly for the notorious DSE maths papers. More importantly, his genuine interest in pursuing knowledge prompted me to develop the habit of learning independently, which is vital for my admission to the University of Oxford. Besides being a great teacher, he is also a friend, a mentor, and someone I look up to.
Hayden Kwan
DSE Math Core, M2
DBS, University of Oxford (maths and finance)
 I had been a student here for four years, and I was never a bright student in Mathematics, in terms of my foundation and mathematical sense. Knowing that school teachers were rushing through the syllabus, i was not able to follow the pace of the teaching in school and the materials being taught. Wan sir had always been a patient teacher who helped me on every single problem that I encountered. He never found my questions and enquiries annoying at all during class, and moreoever, he was very willing to help after class and taught me some math problems in private messaging or phone calls. I believe he has the excellent attitude of a teacher, that is to put students first and care for them. During my years preparing of DSE, he was able to give me as much as guidance and help as possible to acquire the necessary materials and techniques. I would never forget how he helped and encouraged me throughout these 4 years as his student.
Venus Wong
DSE Core, M1
Department of Government and Public Administration, CUHK
 Mr Wan had been my Maths tutor since I was S.1. After the first year, not only my academic result has significantly improved, but also increased my interest on Maths. During the class, Mr Wan would teach us patiently. He knew our problems well and could provide suitable level exercises for us to train. With the exercises and special technique, my Maths score reached top ten in my school. Mr Wan is kind and humor, I wont be bored during the class! Now I am a student in CUHK and my major is Maths. Mr Wan really helped me a lot and he is one of my favorite and enlightened teachers.
Anderson Ng
DSE Core M2
Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School
CUHK (Maths)
 Although one might first think that going to a large tutorial centre with a vast amount of resources is the way to go for improving your academic results, patronizing The Unparalleled Insight has allowed me to improve my academic understanding as well. The relatively small size of the organization coupled with the large, tightly-knit alumni network allows for an equally abundant amount of resources to be conveyed upon students individually, which allows students to learn organically. Besides that, the UI also has a uniquely relaxed yet academically-focused atmosphere, where students are encouraged to have fun while learning. The close attention and the instructiveness of the UI's majordomo to his students' progress further stimulates engaging dialectic among all students and himself. I thoroughly recommend visiting the UI for academic reasons or just to have fun.
Steve Lo
IB Math SL
DBS, Li Po Chun united world college
LSE (politics and philosophy)
 I was a mediocre math student who had the slightest interest in numbers and equations. But for the patience and help from Terry, I would not have overcome the challenge and excelled in the IB Math exam. His dedicated effort in explaining and demonstrating convoluted mathematical concepts is the evidence of my improvement in tests and exams. Terry has never failed to impress me with his intelligence and logical teaching style throughout my 5 year tutorial experience. I attribute my success to him.
Jessica To
IB math SL
DGS, South Island
HKU (government and law)
Wan sir can explain any difficulties that i come across when i worked on pastpapers and assignments with ease. His explanations are precise and  illuminating.
Christopher Ng
DSE Math Core, M1
HKU (Law)
Your teaching is so efficient and helped me use easier ways to deal with the problems took your classes for 3 years and wouldn't have gotten star without u thanks so much!!
King Lai
DSE math Core, M1
Bishop Hall Jubilee School
HKU (Internation Business and Global Management)
I am so glad that I have joined your tutorialsThe efficiency of your teaching is higher than that of school teachersAnd the concepts are clearly deliveredTherefore I can finish the syllabus and do more exerciseYour skills are so useful that I got a 5* in core and a 5 in m2 Thank you so much
Chan Kwan Hung
DSE math Core, M2
Wa Ying College
HKUST (Engineering)
In HK’s vast market of tutorial centres, you seldom find teachers as dedicated and amiable as Mr. Wan. To him, you are not simply an academic disciple, but also a good friend. His patient and concise mentoring undoubtedly accelerated my understanding of Math HL as a systematic and fun subject. Every lesson was equally effective and entertaining with exercises and past paper questions targeted my mathematical weaknesses. Even after class, he was more than willing to answer any of my questions by private messages or even phone calls. His intelligence and meticulous guidance was a constant source of inspiration for me; without him, I doubt I would have survived the harsh curriculum.
Ian Chu
DBS IB Math Higher Level
Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
Although Wan Sir is my first and only math tutor, he is one of the friendliest and most caring mentors that I know. Lessons with him never felt lifeless because I could feel that he truly cares for his students. Our relationship was based on so much more than just grades. I'm very blessed to have had him in my high school career and I highly recommend him to any student seeking for a teacher who genuinely enjoys teaching his students.
Ted Leung
DBS IB Math Standard Level
Psychology UCLA
I started attending Wan Sir's class since F.4. Mathematics is my relatively weak subject. Under his teaching, I learnt to study Maths in systematic and effective way. He provided us with exercise from various sources, not only past paper, but also mock paper, reference book and more. Experienced in teaching Maths, he always reminded us with the common mistakes made by past students. The skills he taught are very useful in exams, helping me to solve maths problems more precisely and efficiently. Other than skills and techniques, he explained the abstract mathematical concepts to us clearly and concisely. This helped me build a strong basis of Mathematical knowledge. Thanks to Wan Sir, I could attain ideal results in DSE, which contributed greatly to my admission to HKU.
Michelle Lo
True Light Girls’ College
MBBS, The University of Hong Kong